Spread from our latest national publication, Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth by Michael Underwood. Available now, £12.99
Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth written by Mike Underwood. ISBN: 978-1-909660-20-5Gunwharf.
Quays is the UK’s premier world class shopping, leisure and residential waterfront development, attracting millions of visitors every year. Few realise that its history began more than 300 years ago when land was reclaimed from Portsmouth Harbour to provide a nationally important wharf for naval and army guns. Portsmouth’s gunwharf was the largest in Britain. Early in the last century it became the HMS Vernon school for torpedoes and mines. In 1996 the site was sold and within five years had been transformed into Gunwharf Quays.
Author Michael Underwood’s experience, as the architect responsible for repairing and conserving historic buildings at Gunwharf Quays during its development, makes him uniquely qualified to tell the story. He has been afforded unparalleled access to documents, maps, plans, drawings and photographs which he brings together for the first time in this fascinating book.